Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is in the air

It is March and the blossoms are coming out on the trees. The weather here in Santa Cruz has been wonderful, sunny at times and rainy at times. Our car has transmissions problems and is getting replaced big expense.
The kids are doing great, Ashley is playing softball and loving that her dad is coaching her. She is playing catcher and is doing really well at it. William is playing T-ball and is loving that he gets to do that, he also is loving his Martial Arts class. He is a Orange Belt right now. Samuel is driving his sister crazy he won't keep his hands off her and is always in his face, he is so smart he loves to play and talk about what is going on in his world. He really hates to be left out of things the older kids are doing. Allison is 5 months old and is doing great, she has adjusted to me going to school and loves it when I get home. She is working on sitting up and rolling over. I think she is even cutting her first tooth. She is getting bigger and stronger all the time.
I am enjoying school and learning a whole new language with Medical Terminology. Bill is doing well coaching Ashley's softball team and is looking forward to hopefully new things in the near future.