Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ashley's birthday

Well we did it, Ashley had a birthday party last night and it was alot of fun. We made it a girls night out and with that we decided to turn our garage into a dance club called "Club Octagon" We had it all decked out, with a stage to dance on, disco ball, strobe light and even drinks and snacks. The girls just danced and played some games. It was really cute the pictures don't do justice. Well Ashley invited 18 friends and I thought that only about 7-8 would come, no about 14 little girls came. Thank goodness for Nicole for coming to my rescue. She had the nail polish and just helped with crowd control. I think that the girls had alot of fun. Ashley had a lot of fun and it was fun to see her interact with her friends. I made the cake and it was alot of fun too. I'm glad that we did a party but I'm really glad that it is over. Now William is asking what his party will be like. Thank goodness I have a couple more months.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ashley's day

Ashley turned 8 on Thurday. We had a great day, it started with a pancake breakfast, cupcakes at school, then ended the day with us taking Ashley out to dinner at Olive Garden. We had a great time and we had some extra visitors Granddaddy and Grandma Layton were in town and joined us for dinner it was really special that they made they were able to join us. They sang to Ashley and it was a great evening.

Friday was a busy day getting ready for the big event of Ashley getting baptized on Saturday. I had to do some cleaning, cooking, shopping. It was alot of work. That night Bill and I attended the temple with Joe, Amy, Pam, Newell, Larry and Linda. It was a great start to the weekend.

Saturday was the big day and Ashley was so excited, the rest of the family came into town and it was alot of fun, alittle stressful but alot of fun. After the baptism we all went to the park and played talked and laughed. Then after a while people started to leave. It was a special day and we survied. I was so proud our Ashley, for choices that she has made and the girl that she is.

Friday, February 6, 2009

William just make us smile

The results are in and Sociology was a bust

Samuel is doing much better, thank goodness for modern medicine and blessing and prayers. I still have to watch him and he is still not out of the woods but, at least I can breathe alittle, well my Sociology test wasn't so good. I totally bombed it. But that is why they made extra credit, I will be doing lots of that.

It is raining here in Fresno, I love the rain. It makes everything so clean, then when the clouds clear you can see the mountains full of snow and think what a wonderful world Heavenly Father made for us. That makes all the bad things go away for some time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Boy have we had a couple of weeks for the records

Well it has been one for the records for our family, it all started with William getting sick with a cough, I took him to the Doctors and he has RSV. Which they can't do anything about. It just has to run it's course. Which isn't very much fun as long as he doesn't have any breathing problems. Well that is getting better but then Samuel gets sick, not just a little sick but really sick where I took him to the doctors today and we sat there being observed for about 3 hours to see if he was to sick to be sent home; So he wasn't but they wanted a chest X ray anyways to rule out anything serious. Thank goodness it turned out all right. Now he is at home and a sleep but I get to check on him every hour to make sure that his breathing isn't too fast. To top off the whole day I have a test in Sociology tomorrow and haven't even studied for it because I haven't had time to even go to the bathroom let alone open my books to read. Wow that felt so much better I think that I'll go and open the books and study alittle bit.